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BoxBuddy is a system designed to help the packing process, making it easier to find an item you have stored in boxes without having to go through the agonizing process of openning the boxes. The motivation for this project comes from my observation and experience that it is usually very painful to look for something you want in tens of boxes and my idea to build a system to facilitate this process.

BoxBuddy takes a picture of every item you put in the box while packing automatically and keeps a record of the items so you can just search through the pictures on your computer without having to open the boxes.

It has different modes like auto capture and close up. Auto capture utilizes motion capturing and takes a picture of each item you put in automatically. Close up is used for capturing the details in important items such as diploms, certificates. The photos are downloaded onto the BoxBuddy software where you can easily nativate and find what you are looking for.

I took part in the design and programming of the project as well as the need finding and usability tests.

What I liked about this project was the way it connected the physical environment with information resources.