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HomeFun is an Online Interactive Homework Platform allowing teachers to assign educational games as homework to the students and tracking their progress online. It gives students the ability to learn by playing fun, content-rich games, where they get immediate feedback about their performance and can improve their scores by playing over and over, discussing with their classmates, trying to beat the highest score attained in the class. You can find more information about Homefun at the project website.

The motivation for this project comes from my idea that kids would learn much better with fun and rich learning games where they get immediate feedback for their performances, compared to regular homework assignments where they turn in the assignment and get feedback a while later when they have already forgotten about what they had done and the focus is on the student being assessed rather than his improvement and learning. I believe that educational games have a great potential to make the learning experience more interactive and engaging for students, being immersed in an environment that they can relate to their everyday lives.