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At Intelligent Papers, we are designing a touch based, purpose-built, affordable hand-held device and software platform for education, which includes books, notebooks, dictionaries, encyclopedias, interactive applications as well a back end system that provides a network among students and teachers enabling content synchronization and communication via cloud computing. The aim is to bring global equality to education and interactivity into the classroom enabling students to get immediate feedback while learning and reach information anytime anywhere.

I am responsible both for software programming and design; creating, designing and developing new features and applications for our platform focusing on User Interface and Interaction Design.

I am really excited about this project because I believe we are tackling an important and meaningful problem of helping kids all over the world get access to information and learn interactively by providing them alternative digital information resources beyond computers. Also, I enjoy having the chance to use my skills in design and programming as well as user testing and research and learn more about embedded systems.