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You can play the game above by following the instructions in the bubbles. Start by clicking on the drawer and dragging the CD's into the computer...

Science Blower is a Flash game targeted towards middle school kids. The student takes on the role of a glass blower trying to make her boy-shaped bottle come to life by constructing the organs with everyday materials, using physics principles that make the body work.

With this game, I wanted to help people discover the physics principles that they see everyday around them, and in their own bodies, and understand the underlying principles by trying to build themselves and see consequences.

I created the scenario of the game working with a group of teachers and Virtual Labs at Stanford University. Then, I made paper prototypes and tested it on students. As a result of the feedback I got, I made an interactive prototype using Flash AS3, working on both the design and development of the game.

You can find more information about Science Blower here and play the game here.